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New Zbrush 2019 cameras fixed?


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So how is new Zbrush. 
Question is cameras and how the system works now. 
In past zbrush main problem for me was that it did not have real world camera and lacking many basic camera parameters. 
As you may know in Zbrush when you have model loaded and sekect from TOP menubar option named "Draw" you can see there thing named as "Dynamic Persp" (Persp stands for perspective)
There is also slider next to it named as "Angle of View" and by default it is 50
Now when you change that slider model you see in your Scene view changes dramatically. 

All is fine when you sculpt in zbrush. Yopu make your model look like you want it to look. And it is represented to you in Scene view. 
Problem starts when you export that same model out as OBJ and load it in to another 3D program (Modo, Blender, 3Dmax, Houdini, Maya etc)
I for example use Modo and Houdini. 
That same model looks WAY different in any of those aplications then it does in Zbruhs. That is due camera and perspective. 
And it is pain in ... to make model look same as it was in zbrush. That is due the fact that Zbrush has (had?) fake cameras and view. View in zbrush seems to be distorted compared to any other 3d program. I have NO problem modeling for example in Maya and sending that model as OBJ file in to Modo or Houdini. Model looks same. But not with zbrush. 
My question is: Is it fixed now with new zbrush?

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