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Multiple Uv Spaces Per Object

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Hey guys, another problem that will have a very simple solution.

I have a creature, that has multiple UV spaces. Here is a pic to show what i mean.


Right now im working on the Torso, which is the second from the left. Thing is how do i texture this part?

Here is another screenshot of me trying to apply a texture to the torso with no luck.


Now the thing is i know that the UV parameter, that comes out as a vector which is then converted to a float, the first two are U and V.

So naturally i thought that if i change the values to 0-2, or 2-0 that is would map it to that slot.

But ali end up getting is a black render. I have tried every number in the book, 0-1, 0-2, 1-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-1, 2-2 and so on.

So what am i doing wrong?

Again thanks od-force for helping me this far :).

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I guess for not repeating textures it`s better to keep the uv values in a range of 0 to 1. The rest is lost.

If You need several uv spaces You can store them in layers. Just drop a layer sop before You apply a uv sop and it gets stored in this layer. for the next uvsop use a other layer sop in front of it and increase the layer parameter to 2.

in the vops You can get the layers back with a shading layer vop

hope this helps..


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dont quite understand, thing is the UV's were done in an external package, so when i import the model they are already there. So when i use the layer sop and put it to 2, the UV's dissapear.

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hey guys, wow, today didnt spend much time in Houdini, only just to reply to this post.

Found a solution.

ok here is my VEX network first.


Basically because the torso is in the second slot. Sorry i havent had the time to figure out the numbers, but normal UV's lay within the 0-1 range, this might be known to Houdini as 0-0 because like alot of things in Houdini are Zero based.

Anyways, once i imported the UV's into the VEX network i used a UV Transform, plugged the UV's into it and output them into the Vector to float, then into the S and T of the file etc.

Anyways in the UVxform all i did was (i think) shift the UV's over one unit, by putting in....


I would assume, that for other areas i would shift it by 2, then 3 for other UV's spaces but i havent tested it yet.

Hope someone in the future has the same problem so i can say i solved it hehe :).

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That's odd. This suggests that your original uv's were -1 - 0 and when you shift them they then end up 0 - 1. Either way the texture vop is set by default to wrap which should mean the texture will repeat for every unit regardless of whether its -1 - 0 or 0 - 1 or 100 - 101. Did you set it to decal by any chance?

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yeah its set to decal. I never tested it on Wrap, but knew that if i did i wouldnt get the right texture for the right body part.

This was just testing the normal map so it would look even weirder than some colour texture and would be hard to read (in the render).

I will do some text today to truly get to the bottom of this and fully understand it and should i come up with any more revelations i will certainly post them here for all to see.

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I think I get it now. Your texture coordinates have a range something like 0-10 where 0-1 is one set 1-2 is another 2-3 is another etc.

If you use wrap you will see the texture repeat over each section.

Houdini uses layered texture coordinates to handle this situation whereas obviously the package that you got the model from just appends them next to each other.

Two ways to handle this

1. In the shader make an offset for each map that you want to apply ( and stick with decal method ) much like your current setup

2. Remap the coordinates into layers in sops using a UVtexture sop and layer SOP to offset each piece and then use something like the VEX layered shader to apply all the different maps, one to each layer.

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