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Boolean Shatter Node Giving Strange Artifacts


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Hello everyone :) 

For one of my scenes, I need to cut a 3D model of a human floating in space into several pieces. For that, I try to use the boolean node in shatter mode but I get strange results (see picture below : in the setup, I try to cut my 3D model with a bunch of deformed plane). However, the setup works on the PigHead test geometry.

I tried to increase or decrease the number of points in my 3D model with a polyreduce and also to fix possible problems with a polydoctor but I still have strange artifacts and the 3D model does not cut well.

I have attached the Houdini hip file below. Here is a link to download my 3D model :



Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


Thanks by advance,






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check the crotch...you'll see holes. So if your model has holes yet your Boolean says treat it as solid, it will lead to issues.

I haven't filled the holes but changed the Bool to treat it as surface (same as the cutting planes....it's silly to treat the planes as 'solid')




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Tried to resolve your issue, and after inspecting your geo, I found that that is likely a large part of the problem. Inspect the mesh around the pants - see the holes and messed up geo? That won't boolean correctly, which also explains why the technique worked on simple geo, but not your model. Unfortunately I can't tell you how to fix your model, but perhaps converting to vdb and remeshing it could get you what you need. One thing I suggest while troubleshooting this, is try using a single cutter first, and see if the problem persists, then increase the count of the cutters after that.

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