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Copy To Points/Normals

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Hi this is pretty simple and I feel like I used to know the answer but it has escaped me. Here's what I'm doing- I made a box, then I created points at the center of each primitive using a wrangle, then I'm using Copy To Points with another box (so there's a "clone" in the center of each primitive of the original box) works great, HOWEVER, I can't figure out how to retain the original Normal when I create the new points to clone onto, so my clones aren't rotated properly. Please help me learn this once and for all. If there's a simple function I could call within the Wrangle that would be perfect. Thank you!

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2 minutes ago, anim said:

primitive wrangle on your original geo:

int pt = addpoint(0, @P);
setpointattrib(0, "N", pt, v@N);
removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);


Yes! Ah I was so close I just couldn't figure out how to reference the point I was creating. Thanks!

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