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How To Lock Particles On Emmiter?

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Hi, I've one question. How to stick particles on emmiter and after move its? I do it with a collision POP with stick on collision, but I don't know how to move the particles after the collision POP (with a wind, force, interact, etc).

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Well, it kinda depends on what you're intent is for the particles. When particles are stuck, their "particle state" (pstate) attribute changes to indicate that. You can use the State POP to control the pstate values of your particles.

I've attached a rather contrived example to show the State POP. In practice though, I would do something like this with just "Collision on course" in the Collide POP and apply wind to the particles that collided. The example found in the State POP's helpcard has something more interesting.


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Two problems:

- You were setting the Stuck state to 1 instead of 0 (0 means NOT stuck)

- Because of the moving geometry, the unstuck particles could instantly get stuck again on the next frame. To fix this, I made a particle group out of all the particles with $AGE <= 2 called "young" and told the Collision POP to only collide with this group.


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Two problems:

- You were setting the Stuck state to 1 instead of 0 (0 means NOT stuck)

- Because of the moving geometry, the unstuck particles could instantly get stuck again on the next frame. To fix this, I made a particle group out of all the particles with $AGE <= 2 called "young" and told the Collision POP to only collide with this group.


Thank you very much edward!!

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