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Rendering Cola

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Man vs Machine recently completed this project for Pepsi.

I have been trying to render a similar look using a setup that involves adjusting adsorption in the materials and setting the IOR for the cola @ 1.33 and the bubbles @ 1.0 but I can never get anywhere close to this look.

Does anyone know if this look can be achieved with Mantra?  If so, can you offer some advice on how to achieve this look?

Thanks in advance.


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Last time I looked into shading fluids it was done with a combination of surface hull and bubbles with nested dielectrics enclosing a uniform volume. Roughly like this:



On 19.5.2019 at 1:58 AM, byronfillmore said:

I have been trying to render a similar look

Why don't you publish your attempt so we have something more elaborate to start from?


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