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For-Each and MultiplesMorphs

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Hi everyone.

Probably a very simple question, but I'm stuck on it.
I want to morph two groups of shape, each shape morphing respectively between them.
I create a for-each loop for this, but I can't get it to work.
With the set up as it is done the morph does not work. if I disable the input block 2, all the shapes in the group B morph to a unique shape in group A.

I must admit that I am not yet very comfortable with the for-each loops.

hip file attached with abc files if necessary

thanks in advance




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Thank you very much.
indeed I already look at Jeff wagner video Masterclass Geometry Workflow, and Mestala examples and even here. But managing multiple input is not really explain in depth, or a focused subject, or I don't find the right post.

I don't really understand why for example you must use Fetch input on the two input block and Why for each piece work with one input block but not two.


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Actually i made a mistake in my first file. It is not necessary use connectivity sop and I must to use Gather Method Feedback Each Iteration instead of Merge Each Iterations. Sorry if I mislead you.

2 hours ago, flcc said:

I don't really understand why for example you must use Fetch input on the two input block and Why for each piece work with one input block but not two.

I attached new file with examples, where i used one and three Block Begin with Fetch Input method. In this case they are just inputs for geometry into for-each loop.



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Ok, it's more clear
Thank you for taking the time to do this.

What misled me was the possibility of having the output block in "piece or point" mode, and no input block in this mode.


I just saw the new messages by refreshing the page with the message.

For me the previous one Block Begin Example was working (H17), but the update not. Something as changed with the attribute create node.
Effectively working with H17.5

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19 hours ago, flcc said:

What misled me was the possibility of having the output block in "piece or point" mode, and no input block in this mode.

You can do this too just change Gather Method to Merge Each Iterations on Block End. It will work with one Block Begin only.


Edited by vicvvsh
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