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what is a "Texture 3D" ?

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Hi guys;

There are some nodes in called "Texture 3D VOP node", "Texture 3D Box " , "Gradient 3D" and so on...



According to docs: This operator returns the value of a 3D image at a specified position within that image.

So what is a "3D image " ? and in which context should we use them?




Edited by Masoud
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Those nodes are pretty much deprecated, used to deal with .i3d file format and nowadays pretty much replaced with volumes, even though who knows, some old workflows may still be useful sometimes

If interested you may find some i3d related posts on the forums way in the past

Edited by anim
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13 hours ago, anim said:

Those nodes are pretty much deprecated, used to deal with .i3d file format and nowadays pretty much replaced with volumes, even though who knows, some old workflows may still be useful sometimes

If interested you may find some i3d related posts on the forums way in the past

Thank you.

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