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Start Orientation Picking


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Hi everyone, is there a way to get this command in python? Start Orientation Picking, i was searching in all documentation, here is nothing about it. Maybe at least somehow to recreate this function, anyway what i need is to create an object and immediately place it on any surface or point. Would be awesome to scale it and rotate it on the same time without release LMB, but i know is fantastic.

i was trying to use selectOrientedPositions, thought maybe it will give me the normal of the polygon which i picked in matrix, but no, its just matrix between this new created points

would be ideal to have such tool, so im trying to make it, or similar one


i actually made some similar some time ago but its fake and not so good, i used some tricky stuff to make, not correct one =)

and its using the input geometry, not so useful when you have a lot of geometry and want to create on geo level these objects 


here is this tool if you interested in


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