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Renderman Mapping

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Hi guys, I'm trying out Renderman and I've been having trouble posting on their forums, so I hope someone with a bit of experience can help me out here.


I'm trying to generate texture coordinates from the shader network using a pxrManifold3d node, but I can't seem to be able to give it custom coordinates and "object" coordinates appear to be stretched or projected from only one axis, not as a box but as a plane, what am I not seeing?

Also, can I manipulate the uv coords with math nodes? they should be vectors as far as I know.


The other question I have is regarding the pxrroundcube node, as far as I can see it is meant to be used with pxrmultitexture, but what about using it for normal maps?


I hope someone can help me out with this, I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out what.

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