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Vellum leather belt


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I'm trying to find a way to animate a metal belt buckle and have the leather strap follow the position whilst being effected by gravity/environment and still not intersect with the buckle itself. Essentially I'm looking to recreate the "rope knot" effect that everyone has seen recently but with a more irregular shape such as a belt (rectangular instead of round ) Is Vellum the best system to create something like this? 
any help would really be appreciated 
thanks everyone

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Hey clear,

I've uploaded the .HIP file below, so far I've used Vellum Tetrahedral Softbody and standard Houdini cloth to simulate the strap but because the model has height on it and isn't a flat  grid the walls are pretty much collapsing on eachother and I can't find the correct strut settings. Because this didn't work I have also tried to simulate a grid and then later extrude it then point deform my actual belt strap but I haven't had any luck with this either. I feel like I'm approaching the idea completely wrong. Btw if you're wandering what you're looking at when you open the .HIP file I didn't want to get too into modeling etc before knowing I could pull it off with a proxy belt model first, so the little rectangle that animates is supposed to be the belt buckle. 

I'm not really upset with this result as I find houdini very hard but it's still no where near what I need. Essentially I would like multiple belts to be animated by dragging the buckle around and the strap will naturally follow sort of like a tail of a animal etc. I don't have knowledge outside of vellum but thought Vellum would be the way to go if I later decide I want to really push/manipulate the shape of the belt by twisting and all that.

Thanks for your interest! 


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simulating grid and then pointdeforming hires belt is the way to go, vellum uses pscale for thickness so you can still define how thick your belt is even if it's just a grid

here is an example showing such workflow, I kept your scene scale, just be aware that your scene seems to be in decimeters so I also increased gravity to account for that


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