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Finding the Min/Max values in a field?

Adam Ferestad

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I am trying to figure out how to get the converse of a field, mathematically.  I am attempting to blur a Cd field in using a Gas Blur microsolver.  I have some mixed results, but I want to get some finer control over the radius, namely that I want it to blur more as it slows down.  I have used the gas analysis microsolver to get the speed field by taking the length of the velocity, but I can't figure out how to get larger values to be in the lower speed areas.  Obviously I would love to use a fit to invert the values, but I am struggling with an elegant way to get the minimum and maximum values for a given field.  I could easily just do a loop in a wrangle and get the min/max values that way, but that is going to be extremely slow as this is a very large, dense simulation.  Is there a simple way I can get the min/max values in a field so I can use fit(@speed, min, max, max, min) in a Gas Field Wrangle node to get the converse of my field?

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13 minutes ago, bunker said:

hscript volumemin() and volumemax()
if you open the Textport, type: exhelp volumemax


Are you suggesting that I need to use hscript to do this?  There is no way directly in VEX?  Or is hscript a command in VEX that I was unaware of?  I can't figure out how to use HScript within my DOPs context.  I have done it in SOPSolver nodes in the past, but never in DOPs.  Also, how to pass the value downstream to other wrangle nodes?

Edited by Adam Ferestad
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2 hours ago, bunker said:

there isn't anything in vex to do that directly but you can reference the hscript output value in vex, eg:

float maxvalue = chf("maxvalue");

create a spare parameter, then you can enter your hscript expression there:
volumemax("/obj/geo/myvolume", 0)

I actually ended up trying something similar to this, but within DOPs I couldn't seem to get the function to target the field.  It always returned 0.

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