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Noise loses sharpness when animated?

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I have a problem with my animated sharpy noise. It loses it's sharpness. 


Anyone got any idea how this can be? As far as I know I don't have motion blur activated..

Here is the hip if you want to take a look: noisewWthTime.hipnc (the same noise is applied as an embedded digital asset in both the sop)


Thanks for the help. :) 

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Coming back to this, @anim :

This doesn't seem to work when I am directly working at mat-level and choose "Subnet Connector" as scope on my 'time' parameter, inside the noise asset and fill in $T on the asset instance. The noise is sharp then in the Render, but it doesn't move.


This is a problem for me right now, because when I collapse it all into a material builder I can't seem to properly apply the other shaders in that material builder (that are not connected to the output_collect) and which also use other VOPs in that material builder.

Short: I would like to have it all in one place, so I hope there is a trick to make this work on asset level in /mat. :) 

Edited by Krion
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If there is no answer why $T won't work in an asset in /mat while it does work on a material(builder), I would at least wonder why the appliance of materials inside a builder doesn't give the same result as they do if they are located at /mat. 

See here. Displacement and Colormix don't work when they are inside a materialbuilder:



Is that was possible that would also provide a solution for me.


Edited by Krion
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Check at this end of this dicussion
"So in materialBuilder context the displacementBound of the principled Shader don't work and you must use a mantra propertie !"

Not sure but I suspect is the same kind of problem.

Hop this help.

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