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box stacking no interpenetration


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hi, Im looking for a way to stack boxes like this! they should be like delivery packages

image.png.f736cdace2aff92ba6688555a7368f03.png   image.thumb.png.1fc3519c3133739a07a4a1526e93a172.pngat the moment i've got this image.png.254bcb62189055f1fb3d53ea05bc9d87.png

so boxes should stack like a tower and have different heights, width, and depth. In the end they should come together in a point.
Right now i've used a cirlce and a scatter and copied the boxes onto that. that causes interpenetration and i've solved that with the uv layout texture. This comes with somes other issues but lets leave it at that.

stacking them now is transforming another set of boxes on top of it.

Hope someone can help me out. I've got a file attached on how i've approached this thingy so far




box stacking packing.hipnc

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Use RBD. Set a point attribute on your (packed) boxes, i@found_overlap=1, then run the boxes through a packed RBD simulation. That point attribute will force the Bullet solver to separate the boxes on the initial frame. You might have to use drag / sleeping to get them to settle properly afterwards without too much mess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Thomas,

This is created with a foreach, a curve and a ramp for thickness control. the goal now is to fix the interpenetration from the boxes.


I've tried to re-create and edit your simulation to get something like this but I feel like im missing some understanding on vex or how the sopsolver works. Hope you can point me in the right direction on how to approach this.

Thanks in advance



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  • 1 year later...
On 07/11/2019 at 4:02 PM, Marcomeeuwse said:

Hi Thomas,

This is created with a foreach, a curve and a ramp for thickness control. the goal now is to fix the interpenetration from the boxes.


I've tried to re-create and edit your simulation to get something like this but I feel like im missing some understanding on vex or how the sopsolver works. Hope you can point me in the right direction on how to approach this.

Thanks in advance



You don't need a DOp to fix the penetration problem, the problem come from the resample which drive the copy number with a box of one unit. If you project your curve to straight line and compute your resample distance there and comeback to your curve after, it works, no box penetration. ( i tweak your curve and ramp here but that's not important obviously)

Now this become more difficult if you have piece with different topology and size...   :)



Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts


Edited by vinyvince
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