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Python-node problem interacting with Copy-node


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I have a problem with my python-nodes in my network when they interact with a node above them.
In this particular case I try to decide the parameters of which I want to generate a number and it works in the copy-node, but when I get to the python-node it will do it again, but sometimes it doesn't follow the rules.
In houdiniConsole.PNG we can see that the minNr for the randomNumber is 3 but the python-node makes 2 copies (resultFromPythonNode.PNG) while the copy-node works (resultFromCopyNode.PNG).

Another weird thing is that if I interact with the copy-node, like change the "total number of copies" to the exact same value it already is, the python-node will not change it and it will work as it should.

I think skipping the python node would solve the problem, but I need the python node to change the copy node. How is the best way to solve this?



Edited by Yalf
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