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Looping over Groups with only Points


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here's what I've done with vex so far working on a point cloud : Created groups based on clusters/distance

What I'd like to now is to be able to do stuff to those individual groups. With a for each /loop or something. Buuuut as there are only points, the promote group sop( set to point  -> primitives )  creates prim groups but empty ones. So I can't use that in a for loop

Any ideas ?

Thank You. 



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Hi ThomasPara, thanks. Maybe a little confusing but when I said cluster, I  didn't know about the actual cluster SOP. So I have  a point cloud with Point Groups assigned with Vex in an Point Wrangle. And I'd like to "split" or separate the groups , do stuff to those individual streams and merge them back together.


Thank you :)

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I hope I understand this correctly. There's 2 things you could do:

1) Don't use groups, attributes are superior in most cases. Instead of creating groups, create an integer or string attribute and use that as Piece Attribute on the loop, like ThomasPara suggested.

2) The name SOP can build names from groups, from there it's the same as 1)

Iirc the old foreach subnet had the option to run over groups, the new ones does not.

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OKay I just tried this and it worked:


Point wrangle 

Run over " detail ( only once)


int ptCount = detailintrinsic(0, "pointcount"); 

int counter = 0;


for(int i=0; i<ptCount; i++)


groupName = sprintf("group_%d", counter); 

"setpointattrib(0, "groupName", i, groupName);



in my vex and then used "groupName" as piece attribute.


Man I've been looking all night for that, literally :)

Edited by Wout
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