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How to create a geometry parameter in own function?


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how to create a geometry parameter in own function?

In this example the parameter „geo“ should be read a string or an integer. How is this possible?
Because the point function can also read a string or an integer.

function vector TEST (string geo or int geo) {

    vector Ret = point(geo,"ABC",10);
    return Ret;


Possibility 1: v@R = TEST("op:../wrangler1'');
Possibility 2: v@R = TEST(1);

Edited by Christoph_H
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you can overload your function with both possibilities by creating 2 or more functions with the same name but different artument types, amounts or even different return type

vector TEST (string geo) {
    vector Ret = point(geo,"ABC",10);
    return Ret;
vector TEST (int geo) {
    vector Ret = point(geo,"ABC",10);
    return Ret;


Edited by anim
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well yes and no, obviously you don't want to keep duplicating your function just to change the type

so you can define your functions using pre-processor macros which can be more compact even though a bit ugly

#define F(TYPE) \
vector TEST(TYPE geo) { \
    vector Ret = point(geo,"ABC",10); \
    return Ret; \
} \

#undef F


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as that page mentions: 


The pre-processor supports many of the usual C Pre-Processor directives

so maybe search web for countless examples of C Pre-Processor directives


also have a look here:


for some examples implemented by SESI, one of them is for example subdcurve.h


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