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rbds to follow point positions *and* orientations *SOLVED*


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I need to animate a group of packed RBD prims scattered on animated set of points. The points are scattered on animated deforming geometry. They derive of course @P as well as @orient based on surface normal and tangent vectors.

Now I want to simulate RBDs that would try to follow those positions and orientations closely, but retain their dynamic properties as well (so they collide properly).

So far I managed to achieve reliable position following based on http://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=HoudiniDops#RBD_follow_targets but now I'd like to set the torque accordingly.

My way of thinking is that I should somehow calculate the torque based  rbd @orient with original input point @orient (analogously to how I calculated the position delta), but anything I do produces just rotational chaos...

Anyone with C4D background should see here that MoGraph's dynamic rotation following is what I'm after...


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this is something I'm interested in as well. I think if you check the GuidedRBDBulletSolver example files the answer should be burried in this setup, but I haven't had the time to dig deeper.

I think this is the relevant wrangle (/obj/guidedrbdbulletsolver_example1/animated_guide_simulation/rbdbulletsolver4/dopnet/guide_geometry):

int dotQuat(vector4 q1; vector4 q2){
    int dotQ = (q1.w*q2.w+q1.x*q2.x+q1.y*q2.y+q1.z*q2.z) < 0;
    return dotQ;

// Unguide pieces with no guided neighbours
int useneighbours = point(0, "__guide_useneighbours", @ptnum);
int guide_count = point(0, "__guide_neighbourcount", @ptnum);
if (chi("useneighbours") && guide_count && useneighbours)
    int ns[] = point(0, "__guide_neighbours", @ptnum);
    int newns[];
    foreach(int n; ns)
        int guided = inpointgroup(0, "__guided", n);
        if (guided) append(newns, n);
    setpointattrib(0, "__guide_neighbours", @ptnum, newns);
    int num = len(newns);
    if (num < min(guide_count, chi("minneighbours")))
        i@group___guided = 0;

int pt = findattribval(1, "point", "name", s@__guide_name, 0);
if(pt >= 0)
    vector restpos = primintrinsic(0, "pivot", @primnum) + v@__guide_pivot_offset;
    int pr1 = pointprims(1, pt)[0];
    vector restpos1 = primintrinsic(1, "pivot", pr1);
    vector pos1 = point(1, "P", pt); 
    vector offset = restpos - restpos1; 
    matrix3 xform1 = primintrinsic(1, "transform", pr1);
    vector pos = pos1 + offset * xform1;

    float timeMult = 1.0/@TimeInc; 
    timeMult *= 1.0/chf("timescale");
    matrix3 xform = primintrinsic(0, "transform", @primnum);
    rotate(xform, v@__guide_rot_offset, 0);
    vector4 quat = quaternion(xform);
    vector4 quat1 = quaternion(xform1);
    int reverse = dotQuat(quat1, quat) ? -1 : 1;
    quat *= reverse;
    if(i@active && s@__guide_name!="")
        float bias = ch("bias");
        if (haspointattrib(0, "__guide_blend"))
            bias *= clamp(float(point(0, "__guide_blend", @ptnum)), 0, 1);
        v@w = lerp(v@w, qconvert(qmultiply(quat1, qinvert(quat))) * timeMult, bias);
        v@v = lerp(v@v, (pos - @P) * timeMult,  bias);
        int hasAdiff = haspointattrib(0, "__guide_angleDiff");
        int hasLdiff = haspointattrib(0, "__guide_linearDiff");
        if(hasAdiff && hasLdiff)
            setpointattrib(0, "__guide_prP", @ptnum, pos, "set");
            setpointattrib(0, "__guide_prQ", @ptnum, quat1, "set");
} else {
    i@group___guided = 0;


Edited by Drughi
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Hey Johannes,

There you go...

First thing to remember is to set proper piece transform attributes before the sim. It messes them up otherwise...

Per http://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=HoudiniDops#RBD_extract_correct_transform_attributes

matrix m4 = primintrinsic(0,'packedfulltransform',@ptnum);
matrix3 m3 = matrix3(m4);
@orient = quaternion(m3);
@scale = cracktransform(0,0,2,0,m4);
v@pivot = primintrinsic(0,'pivot',@ptnum);

Put the above to a wrangle before the dop.

Then inside the DOPnet put the following to a geometry wrangle:

int dotQuat( vector4 q1; vector4 q2 ) {
    int dotQ = (q1.w*q2.w+q1.x*q2.x+q1.y*q2.y+q1.z*q2.z) < 0;
    return dotQ;

vector4 q = @orient;
vector4 q1 = point( 1, "orient", @ptnum );

int reverse = dotQuat(q1, q) ? -1 : 1;
q *= reverse;

v@w = qconvert(qmultiply(q1, qinvert(q)));

As you can see the above is directly pasted from the example code.

That's only for the rotation part. The @P part is trivial as setting @P or @v directly...



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  • bbbaaarrr changed the title to rbds to follow point positions *and* orientations *SOLVED*

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