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Python getting a node name vs getting an instance?


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Ok, this is a simple question, but I've been out of python for so long, I've lost touch.

I have a node called geo1.  When I run the following script, i'd like the "Node to copy is" to give the same result of "Selected is"  ( I think one is called 'getting an instance', and the other is just returning the node name).  Noob question I know.

    selected = hou.selectedNodes()
    nodeToCopy = hou.node('/obj/geo1')
    print "Selected is " + str(selected)
    print "Node to copy is " + str(nodeToCopy)

Instead it returns:

Selected is (<hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1>,)
Node to copy is geo1

How do I get the same return when giving an explicit node path?

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That is EXACTLY what I was after!  Thanks Tomas!

Although one returns a tuple, and the other returns a single instance

Taking it the next step however, gives an error:

    selected = hou.selectedNodes()
    nodeToCopy = repr(hou.node('/obj/geo1'))
    print "Selected is " + str(selected)
    print "Node to copy is " + str(nodeToCopy)
    objlevel = hou.node("/obj")
    low = hou.copyNodesTo(nodeToCopy, objlevel)


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Okay, I converted it to a tuple, but it still throws an error.  you can see that when it prints the type, they both say <type 'tuple'> but mytup has quotation marks when it prints - is this what's causing it to not successfully run the hou.copyNodesTo command?

    selected = hou.selectedNodes()
    nodeToCopy = repr(hou.node('/obj/geo1'))
    a = [nodeToCopy]
    mytup = tuple(a, )
    w = type(selected)
    x = type(mytup)
    print selected
    print w
    print mytup
    print x
    #print "Selected is " + str(selected)
    #print "Node to copy is " + str(mytup)
    objlevel = hou.node("/obj")
    low = hou.copyNodesTo(mytup, objlevel)


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in that case don't convert it to string using repr() just keep it as an object

and yes, copyNodesTo requires a tuple 

objlevel = hou.node("/obj")
nodesToCopy = (hou.node('/obj/geo1'), )
low = hou.copyNodesTo(nodesToCopy, objlevel)


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