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Point alonge curve, vex understanding help


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I´m just have a deeper look at the nice folding objects example on the Houdini cgwiki: http://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=Houdini#Folding_objects_.28the_transformers_cube_effect.29

The wrangle node which handles the animation makes me some headache. It´s a wrangle node running over Primitives:

This part I understand so far...



vector start = primuv(0,"P",@primnum, (0,0));
vector bb = relbbox(0, start);
float t = @Time+bb.x;
t = @Time*2 + length(start)+rand(@primnum);
t -= ch('time_offset');
t *= fit(rand(@primnum),0,1,.7,1.3);


here a new point position is set with the primuv function, as i understand...


vector newP = primuv(0,"P",@primnum, set(t,0));

a new point is generated at the new position and theattribute name is set , newP from above...


int newpt = addpoint(0,newP);

but what the hell means this? The prim is removed with his points? When the prims are removed there are no prims left to run the code again over the prims, because there all deleted... what do i missunderstand?



Generates this code every frame new points on the prim and delete them afterwards? But why points are remain and travel over the prim, in this case a line?

Can somebody give me some light on this?




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