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Rotate each copy for certain rotation value

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Hi guys, probably a noob question but I here it is.

I'm creating a circular pipe shape in houdini ( hadron collider like ) and cross section of this pipe is specific 5 sided object. The idea is to have each of this pieces copied on points of this circle and then each copy should rotate for 5 degrees more then previous one, or whatever value I specify.

Rotation should not be random in this case and each piece should take into account previous position and add on top.


So far I managed with copy to points, to copy those ngons on a circlular shape and control their number with resample, so they form a nice circular pipe looking shape.

However I can only rotate them all together for certain value in Z direction, or randomly each one of them. But what I would like to do is to have ordered rotation, so if for example first piece is rotZ = 2, the next one will read his position and add the same value on top of it and be rotZ:4

Then piece 3 will be RotZ: 6 and so on.


Hope it makes sense.

Any help much appreciated.

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Hi Aleksandar,


For this you could try giving orientation attribute of some value to the points and multiply it with the point numbers suppose in your case if you give Zrotation 2 to all the points and then if you multiply it with the (ptnum+1) your first point will take the same rotation then the 2nd one will be 2x and the 3rd one will be 3x and so on.

I have used (ptnum+1)because you point numbers starts with 0 so if you multiply directly with the point number your first object will not take any rotation.

Hope this will help.






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Hi Vineet,


Thanks for your reply, I have tried something but I dont have much success, must be that I'm missing a step or I have  misunderstood .


What I did is, I have added Attribute Create node to the points on which I am copying geometry to, and set name:orient. Class: poingts, Type:vector and value of 0 0 1 ( z value is 1 )

Then I have created Attribute Wrangle with following expression: v@orient.z *= @ptnum+1;

This was then passed to Copy to Point node, but nothing much has happened, again maybe I'm not doing it correctly.



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