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(SOLVED) How to select points from my HDA interface from viewport (like using the arrow icon from Group Create)

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Hi all.  I'm trying to build a little tool that deletes points in a pointcloud based on a selected point's color and a tolerance.  Got that working.  Now I'd like to turn my tool into an HDA.

Not exactly sure how to describe my problem, but I'd like to be able to select points at the top of the hda interface (rather than going inside into the Group Create node to select new points).  I tried draggin the "Base Group" parameter from the Group Create node, but in the HDA interface, I can't use that arrow icon to select new points in the viewport.  'NoneType' object has no attribute 'eval'.

My temporary workaround is to manually select points( BTW, what's the shortcut for the select tool?), switch to move tool (t), copy the points from the newly created edit tool and paste it into my HDA interface.  Not ideal, but it's working.

Maybe this involves scripting the hda interface, but I'm clueless with that.  

Any help is much appreciated.



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Thx for super quick reply!  


I've got a problem with it though.  First, I noticed that after I selected the new points (and hit enter), it would drop me out of SOPs to obj level.  

I tried making an HDA from your subnet and have problems.  When I now try to select the points, I get error message:  "Attempt to access an object that no longer exists in houdini."  Do you experience that on your end?      Oh wait..  Now when I try redoing that, I no longer get that error message and it seems to work. 


It still dumps me out to obj level.  Any ideas how to prevent that?

Thanks again!



PS.  Did you just drag the parameters into the Edit Parameter Interface?  I tried that on my own test subnet inside your file, but I still get my original error message - 'Nonetype' object...  The only difference I noticed between the two Base Group parameters is you had Hide When: "{ groupbase ==0}".  

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Hello again.  I still can't get this working on my own subnets/hdas.  I was able to edit param interface on yours and add a second group+transform nodes, and that works; I can select new points outside the network thru the param interface (the arrow button).

So, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong on my own subnets/hdas.  For this test, I created a subnet, dove inside and wired up a group and transform.  On top, I 'edit parameter interface', go back inside and drag the "Base Group" name into the edit param int.  Also did it for "Group Type".  Apply/Accept.  I can type in numbers into the base group, and change my Group Type.  That works as expected.  When I try clicking the arrow, I get error - 'Nonetype' object has no attribute 'eval'.

Thanks again for your help.




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for 'manual' mode, dragging just the Base group in is not enough.

- start again, delete all you current params in the edit param interface.

- leave the interface there, dive into HDA, drag the Group node into root

- hilite the folder Keep in Bounding Regions, scroll down to bottom SHIFT+Click the last item

- You can rclick> delete Parameters (or tick Invisible...not critical)

So what remains is the 'manual' select method....it needs all the remaining 7 params to work, not just Base group.

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Ah.  That was the problem.  Thanks for your replies and patience. 

Interestingly, if you already have one wired up into the interface, I seemed to be able to add a second group+transfer nodes and then only had to drag base group name into interface.  'Manual' select worked on that second base group input, although it did display the original geometry, not with the first group+transfer.


I'll just make sure to drag/keep those 7 params each time just to be safe (and set to invisible).

Thanks again!

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  • dwigfor changed the title to (SOLVED) How to select points from my HDA interface from viewport (like using the arrow icon from Group Create)

yeah I thought there was a cheat way...so if you look at the working one, the folder has


token: Base Group

so I tried it naturally...didn't work...there must something hidden underneath the hood that I don't know of...maybe some scripting guru might know

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