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3ds max houdini engine normal user

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I am using the houdini engine with 3ds max and getting the following error when starting a session: "Could not create session with pipe name: Could not create session with pipe name: HEMAX_AutoPipeServer"
it works when i start max with admin rights. it seems with admin rights the pipe can be opened. but when starting max with normal rights i get that error. someone has an idea, how one can resolve this?


another question is how do you propagate a selection in max (edge selection) to the hda. it does seem not to work, the hda modifiers works on the whole object and not on subselection level. any ideas? thank you.

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does no one use the houdini engine? it seems these are pretty basic questions. or runs everyone his account in admin mode (which is not the default)?

to the second question. it seems there is no solution yet. i think one can add an input field (face indices vertex indices) to the hda and enter some index value in this field in max, which will work. but is cumbersome because you need all the indices from the selection. with scripts it can be improved. hope there will be a good solution in the future.

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22 minutes ago, Houdini7 said:

hmm interesting. Did you install 3ds max in normal folder (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\)?

yes, default folder...but Max 2018 (from memory, 2017 also worked fine)

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okay, this seems really strange now. when i start the session right after starting max (clear scene) it works. but when i start the session after loading a scene, it will not work! so now as a workaround: start a session directly after starting up max and load then your scene. really awkward.

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