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Rotating uv tile

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Hi David, you can do this in:

  • SOPs using primitive's node rotate and attribute copy.
  • VOPs feeding random values to UV position's rotate.
  • VEX feeding random values to the rotate function.
int seed = chi('seed');

vector pivot = primuv(0, 'uv', i@primnum, 0.5);
float amount_n = rand(i@primnum, seed);
float amount_pi = fit01(amount_n, -M_PI, M_PI);

matrix3 m = ident();
rotate(m, amount_pi, {0,0,1});

v@uv = (v@uv - pivot) * m + pivot;



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Or if you want overlapping UVs, using maximum space and everything in one vertex wrangle:

string grp = itoa(i@primnum);
vector bb_prim = relbbox(0, grp, v@P).xzy;
vector bb_center = bb_prim - {0.5, 0.5, 0.0};
float amount_n = rand(i@primnum);
float amount_pi = fit01(amount_n, -M_PI, M_PI);
v@uv = bb_center;

matrix m = ident();
rotate(m, amount_pi, {0,0,1});
v@uv *= m;

float diag = sqrt(0.5);
v@uv = fit(v@uv, -diag, diag, 0.0, 1.0);

Here are some screenshots showing what each paragraph is doing:

image.png.e64c568b50108b2ddbe2f3de1d9a87a4.png image.png.5c2b2e06195c5a451a41b4072d84066d.png image.png.86e5fbb40f070c1f3297e08de6c4c9ab.png


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1 hour ago, konstantin magnus said:

Hi Michel,

yes sure. I think we have already discussed this under the keyword "texture bombing".

Yeah I am aware of texture bombing I was hoping that someone knew a simpler way to just rotate the udims independently like Andrew does in Blender.

Thanks for the tip thou.

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I guess the continuous grouping and building of bounding boxes has killed the performance. If it's quads only, you better try something like this instead:

int vtx = vertexprimindex(0, i@vtxnum);
v@uv.x = vtx == 0 || vtx == 1;
v@uv.y = vtx == 0 || vtx == 3;
v@uv -= set(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);

float amount_n = rand(i@primnum, 123);
float amount_pi = fit01(amount_n, -M_PI, M_PI);

matrix m = ident();
rotate(m, amount_pi, {0,0,1});
v@uv *= m;

float diag = sqrt(0.5);
v@uv = fit(v@uv, -diag, diag, 0.0, 1.0);


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Hey Konstantin,

Your help came at the right time! I'm currently trying to achieve something very similar to David's example, but I need to restrict the rotation randomness to 90 degrees.
I am familiar with some expressions to perform rotations in set increments, but not sure how to implement them with you code. I made a couple attempts but it just completely breaks your vex.

The method that seems to work best with my setup is the 4-VEX UNIT.

Much appreciated!


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Hi @velk,

just cut the rotation amount values in half:

float amount_n = rand(i@primnum) * 0.5;


Or to get exact control over maximum degrees:

float degrees = chf('max_degrees');

int vtx = vertexprimindex(0, i@vtxnum);
v@uv.x = vtx == 0 || vtx == 1;
v@uv.y = vtx == 0 || vtx == 3;
v@uv -= set(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);

float amount_n = rand(i@primnum, 123);
float amount_rad = radians(degrees) * amount_n;

matrix m = ident();
rotate(m, amount_rad, {0,0,1});
v@uv *= m;

float diag = sqrt(0.5);
v@uv = fit(v@uv, -diag, diag, 0.0, 1.0);



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Thanks @konstantin magnus

It looks like this limits the maximum angle, however it also outputs any angle in-between. 
Is there a way to strictly enforce only 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees?

I tried to adjust your random function and also played with the other methods you provided earlier (primitive, vop, vex) but I can't seem to achieve what I described.

In the Vex method from your last post, I tried variations of this:
float amount_n = (floor(rand($PT)*4)*90);

In the Primitive method, I tried variations of this in the rotate Y field:


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Hi @velk, does this work for you?

int inc = chi('steps');
float degrees = chf('max_degrees');

int vtx = vertexprimindex(0, i@vtxnum);
v@uv.x = vtx == 0 || vtx == 1;
v@uv.y = vtx == 0 || vtx == 3;
v@uv -= set(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);

float amount_n = rand(i@primnum, 123);
float amount_inc = floor(amount_n * inc) / float(inc);
float amount_rad = radians(degrees) * amount_inc;

matrix m = ident();
rotate(m, amount_rad, {0,0,1});
v@uv *= m;

float diag = sqrt(0.5);
v@uv = fit(v@uv, -diag, diag, 0.0, 1.0);


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Hey @konstantin magnus

Thanks for the fast reply!
It still rotates at random orientations. See attached. I also tried with 90 and 90, and other values to test in the Max Degrees and Steps.

Is there a way to perhaps get the code to pick between a list of values (0, 90, 180, 270) instead of random?
Not the most flexible solution, but it would get the job done for simple scenarios.


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