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Flip sim splash gap between liquid and object


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I have a scene where I am dropping a bottle into a flip tank all at small scale.

The issue im having is that I am getting a quite a large space/void between the bottle and the liquid.

Im trying to reduce this and make the liquid hug the bottle more in the beginning and not blow outwards and make this gap.


The setup is an RDB of the bottle falling using gravity from around 10cm into the tank, both the RDB and Flip have been slowed down to 0.025 in time scale.


I tried a number of things like lowering the velocity scale, upping the subframes from 10 to 30 in the RDB and upping the subframes in the DOP network to 4/5, and changing the surface tension and viscosity, but it still happens.

There is no problem with the collision guide and I dont have any sort of surface offset on that either, it matches the bottle perfectly.

You can see in the attached screen grabs that the bottle has barely entered the fluid surface but has created a large void underneath it blowing out the liquid.


This is the sort of splash im aiming for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npAuLi1y5AA

Dramatic but close and not blowing out internally too much.

I know my bottle is a different shape to that reference but my sim seems way off and I cant seem to figure out how to lessen that gap.

Any suggestions I would be very welcome as nothing I seem to try is making the gap any smaller.




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