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Fill object with feathers

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I'm hoping someone might be able to give me a little advice here on a project I've been working through. I've only been at Houdini for a few months but pretty comfortable in other 3d packages and although this is my first post, I've already learned a ton reading this forum.

I'm trying to create a down baffle, like part of a down jacket or blanket. It's basically a container filled with down feathers surrounded by fabric, the fabric will eventually be partially cut away to reveal the down feathers inside. I started by painting an alpha image of a down feather then mapping that to a single polygon, then scattering points and attaching that polygon to those points. It looks OK if I make tons of points to instance on but I'm running into an issue where parts of the instanced down polys "poke" outside of the container object. I've tried a boolean to cut away whatever is outside the container but couldn't get that to work. I'm also not sure if my method is the most efficient.

I've tried a couple ways of building this, one using copy to points and one using MOPs, and not matter what I try I can't seem to figure out how to keep these objects from slightly poking out of the container. If anyone has the time to give me any advice on a clever "Houdini" way of doing this or sees something in how I'm building my files that I could improve upon, I would be super grateful for any feedback. Much thanks!

Fill Feathers 200512.hiplc


Edited by scottywood
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Thanks, Atom. I see that checkbox works too. Initially, I was madly clicking things trying to get the bool working and not taking the time to make sure the objects would cut nicely. I simplified the scene, made some smaller tests and fixed minor issues when it was in bite sized chunks. Lesson learned.

Edited by scottywood
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