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Skin SOP, shift pairing


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I have a curve, which I modify with edits and resamples. I later merge it with the original geometry, and skin the result.

How can I shift the points in a curve to affect how Skin SOP pairs points ? I tried Sort SOP/shift but Skin SOP doesn't seem to use that information.

It's using the same point order as in Carve SO, so I think it's related to how a polygon is uv parametrized internally, so I'm looking for a way to shift that..

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As far as I know, you can't shift or change the parametric coordinates of a primitive. You can try to play with a convert sop (convert the curve to mesh and play with the parameters) before skinning, but it's only to sample more or less points on the u and v of the curve to add more division to the skinned mesh. If you find how to shift the parametric of a curve let me know !

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