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VoxelData To file


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Hi everyone !

I'm trying to export the density data in primitive intrinsic:voxelId out of houdini. In numpy which would be very convenient for me.

At best i was able to get 1 frame or manually get all my frames as below.

import pickle

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()

volume = geo.prims()[0]

densityVox = volume.allVoxels()

f = hou.intFrame()

pickle.dump(densityVox, open(filepath + str(f) +  ".pkl" , "wb"))

My question is pretty simple, is there a way to automatically make a list of those values with all frames(1 to 72 for exemples) and then export it. This would allow me at some point to automate different sims and export them. 

Thanks in advance for any help !

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Hi santOs81, 

Thanks for the reply, I finally found a way to do what I wanted, i made a script in my post-frame script in my rop output or filecache node. So for each frame in my node it also writes down a file with the voxel data. 



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