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Procedural tower


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I' d like to model a procedural tower

I'd like to generate points to copy planks but not on first and last points, and be able to randomize points positions.

My purpose is to be able to load planks from megascan and copy then to create this tower procedurally 

Any idea ?

Thanks for your help

InkedCapture d’écran 2020-12-23 074646_LI.jpg

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1 hour ago, davidyannick said:

here is what I've tried


I will try to open it and give you more detailed answer if I find time, but right now, from the top of my head, something like - using a base geo (box) separate side prims based on normal, on each prim keep just corner points, make two lines out of it, scatter points on each line, sort, group by range and create attributes to be able to use add sop to create lines as you want your planks (this is for diagonal ones, for the top ones you have to figure out yourself but it is the same principle). Then I would split each segment of the polyline and take it into a loop to make points and calculate the orientation based on coordinates of points of the line segment. Then copy-to-points the planks from megascans, using the orient to make them sit on the point which is in the middle of the line, but orienting following up vector and normal. I hope it makes sense :) 

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1 hour ago, skomdra said:

I will try to open it and give you more detailed answer if I find time, but right now, from the top of my head, something like - using a base geo (box) separate side prims based on normal, on each prim keep just corner points, make two lines out of it, scatter points on each line, sort, group by range and create attributes to be able to use add sop to create lines as you want your planks (this is for diagonal ones, for the top ones you have to figure out yourself but it is the same principle). Then I would split each segment of the polyline and take it into a loop to make points and calculate the orientation based on coordinates of points of the line segment. Then copy-to-points the planks from megascans, using the orient to make them sit on the point which is in the middle of the line, but orienting following up vector and normal. I hope it makes sense :) 

gonna try this thanks :)

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