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renderman eats memory when rendering sequences

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Hi to all Renderman users here!

I'm trying to render heavy water cache. But once i start render renderman eats my RAM as sequence progresses. First frame seats at about 20g and in about 10 frames im almost 60 gigs in RAM usage. All the fames are about same in terms of poly count. It doesn't matter where in sequence i start  and if i stop and continue from the last finished frame renderman behaves the same: start from 20 gig to 60 gig of RAM in about 10 frames. It helps if i'm using PDGs. If I run a render in PDGs each frame is a new renderman session and RAM usage is as expected. But! For some reason animated displacement texture doesn't work in PDGs

maybe there are ways to set up animated textures differently. Right now its just simple $F4 in the pxrtexture node

Does anyone know how to set a sequence render properly in Renderman? Right now i render in chunks from PDGs but it has to be a proper way to do it :)



Houdini 18.5, PRMan 23.5


Edited by tayga
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