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npoints in For Loop

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Free Pluralsight weekend, going through an old tutorial in H14 and kind of curious why this doesn't work...  in the tutorial they were using old For Loop SOP but it seems like this setup should still work.  This setup is meant to delete all pieces that have a primitive in the "outside" group.  I know there are a bunch of correct and modern ways to do this, I am just specifically curious about why this way doesn't work.  Some pieces are deleted, but not all the correct ones.







Edited by Nicholas Ralabate
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It is the RBD proxy tutorial by Jeff Wolverton... I highly recommend his courses, he is great!

I have not tried on H15, I am just trying to understand why that simple expression doesn't work in modern-day For Loops...  I assume it is because I'm trying to access piece-specific information on a node that isn't directly wired into the For Loop end block?

Edited by Nicholas Ralabate
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