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Redshift Displacement with Instances

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Hi guys, I'm currently rendering a large amount of assets in a scene which are instances of 4 objects.
When rendering redshift gives me this error:

My object uses adaptive tessellation, which isn't supported. Disabling tessellation. If you need tessellation, please use fixed tessellation settings: i.e. disable 'screen space adaptive' and set 'min edge length' to zero to force a maximum tessellation level

I have adjusted the settings as requested but still my objects are not displacing properly, does anyone have any ideas/solutions to this issue?

Many Thanks

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It's not an error. It's the way redshift works. If you use render instances you must use fixed tesselation setting.

Obviously With massive scenes it can be penalizing. A workaround could be to have two groups of objects. One for the foreground where you keep the displacement, but no screen space adaptative,  and another for the background where you disable the displacement and with which you can use the screen space adaptative.

2 hours ago, inversionstudio said:

I have adjusted the settings as requested but still my objects are not displacing properly, does anyone have any ideas/solutions to this issue?

Difficult to answer without seeing anything

Edited by flcc
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  • symek locked and unlocked this topic

It depend on your geometry and the "Maximum subdision" setting.  'min edge length' is a limit to restrain number of polys when subdivision is high.
If your subivision is not sufficient, you may not see the displacement effect.

a "min edge length" at zero don't help in this case.

And by the way, "min edge length" to zero setting, is an advice, but not required.
Basically once screen space adaptive is deactivated, you are on your own to get the best result.

Edited by flcc
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