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Houdini Shelf tool turned into undefined

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Hello there,

I use a lot of python tools to speed up my workflow.

But lately for some reason my Houdini shelf got messed up and a few  turned into undefined?

Is there any way to fix this? when I left click it said "Menu item filter expression should return an integer"
Thank you for your time



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  • 3 years later...

I just ran into this issue or one that's very similar. Make sure your tools have been saved to the correct .shelf file. I had this problem because when I was creating tools it went back to saving them to the default.shelf file, not the custom .shelf file I had set up which I used to move tools between versions of houdini. When I versioned up from 20.0.xxx to 20.5.xxx the shelf with the buttons came along due to my custom.shelf file, but the code for each tool did not because it wasn't saved to that file--all houdini was seeing was empty buttons with nothing behind them. Make sure when you drag your tools to the shelf those are being saved where you want them to be saved. 


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