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Book animation riddle

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I am trying to get this hyper realistic book opening animation. I already have the cover rigged with KineFX tools but I struggle with the group of the pages. In order to have a realistic movement, I need to animate the block of pages opening and bending like in the pictures below. I've got a great HDA called MC OldBook but the pages there are seperate planes (I need to texture the sides of the pages too so ideally box or bunch of skinned curves is needed). I also saw this awesome setup by Matt Estela (https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/47966/) which I'm gonna use for single pages in the middle but there again I need that block of pages to be bent as well. I figured out it needs to be build off the spine of the book but I struggle with achieving this slanted look when the pages are open which basically means all the pages will have the same width (bend and path deform seem to stretch them during t he animation).  




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