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Detail VEX Function does not working

Sergey Pesotsky

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I have two controller-nulls, with the same parameters. In one of them, parameters are animated.

I created an attribute from "Del_Sys_Moving" parameter, and then, I want to switch between static and animated attributes values.

Then, I want to use this attribute value in pathdeform node as "curve_posoffset" parameter, by using the "detail function". But, it does not work :(

Also, I have tried to write "details" (not "detail") with backtick, for HScript, but it also not working.

What I do wrong? How can I write the value of detail attribute from one node, to parameter of another node?

Thank you! And sorry for my English :)


Edited by Sergey Pesotsky
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If I create an attribute using AttributeWrangle, for example, so it works fine! In Geometry Spreadsheet the attribute has a familiar look: first column - name, second - value. And common VEX detail function is working fine.

So, the question boils down to how to write the attribute name to the detail function correctly. Because when an attribute creates by "attribfromparm" node - it has an unusual look:


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Only python can write to parameters, Vex can't yet.

Read the help card on attribfromparm. It makes a dictionary, not a simple float value. 

Try replacing that node with an attributewrangle running in Detail mode.

setdetailattrib(0,"my_float", 3.14159,"set");

You could add a parameter to the attribute wrangle and fetch that value from vex to write.

setdetailattrib(0,"my_float", ch("my_float"),"set");

After that, you could drive the local channel with a relative reference from your source value.


These kinds of setups are often kludgy and may suffer from refresh problems. You may want to re-think your entire setup.

Edited by Atom
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