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Hi there,

I come from maya, and i'm trying to find a node to do the same than the maya's setRange node. I know there is the fit function/expression, but I guess that shoud be a node to do that...

For instance, there is a similar node in VOP called shiftRange, but I don't know how to connect that. What I have to do if I want to connect something like this:

null1.translateX > VOPs(shiftRange(0,100,0,1)) > null2.translateX

Thanks in advance.

Edited by onesk8man
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I come from maya, and i'm trying to find a node to do the same than the maya's setRange node. I know there is the fit function/expression, but I guess that shoud be a node to do that...

For instance, there is a similar node in VOP called shiftRange, but I don't know how to connect that. What I have to do if I want to connect something like this:

null1.translateX > VOPs(shiftRange(0,100,0,1)) > null2.translateX

If you feel you _must_ use a node, then manipulate the channels in CHOPS. The Range tab of the Math CHOP is what you're looking for.


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If you feel you _must_ use a node, then manipulate the channels in CHOPS. The Range tab of the Math CHOP is what you're looking for.


the main problem is that I don't know how to connect the output of a CHOP or VEX node to an OBJ attribute...

The separate layouts its still hard to understand for me ;)


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here is a file


Thanks guys!

I used CHOPS finally. I didn't know how input and output from objects to objects attributes, but i know already :)

You're confusing VOPs with what you would do in Maya

So, I guess that i can't do the same with VEX than with the CHOP (inputs & outputs to objects).

Other question is, I saw in the old sidefx videos, how they created a operator, but know is different, isn't it? I have to create first a subnetwork and then a digital asset, right?

well, thanks for everything!

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yeah they changed the workflow for creating a digital asset...

what I do is:

before I do anything i make a subnet

name it the name I want my HDA to be called

RMB and select Create Digital Asset

then I just go into that new HDA...then I just forget about the HDA and just work normaly - promoting as I need...

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