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Open a Textport & type "commandecho on". However, it does not print out everything you do so it's not very useful.

What would you like to do specifically? If you would like to learn more about Hscript, try the online help or type "help" and "exhelp" in the textport to get the list of commands and functions. To learn about each, type "help command" to get the help text, for example, "help opscript".

Hope the above helps!



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Open a Textport & type "commandecho on". However, it does not print out everything you do so it's not very useful.

What would you like to do specifically? If you would like to learn more about Hscript, try the online help or type "help" and "exhelp" in the textport to get the list of commands and functions. To learn about each, type "help command" to get the help text, for example, "help opscript".

Hope the above helps!



Thanks steven!

I dont want any specifically, just get familiar with command, syntax and so on.

I see that is not outputing the hscript commands...but it will be nice anyway

thanks ;)

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I find myself using hscript commands like maybe once a week? Functions are what I used daily & if you need something, you can use the -k (keyword) flag. For example:

-> exhelp -k centroid
centroid prim

-> exhelp -k size
bbox			   identity		   realuv			 vset			   
dopsolvetimestep   iprquery		   unituv

-> exhelp -k distance
distance   mindist	pointdist  primdist   uvdist	 xyzdist

The results are functions that have the keyword in it's help so you can then do an exhelp on a specific function to find out more.



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