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Houdini.School | Liquid SOPs


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Liquid SOPs is a new class focusing on building art directable liquid FX without actually using any simulation solvers. The goal is to generate the look and movement of liquid, but without the overhead and complexity of actual simulation calculations.


So this means no flip particle simulations, no volume advection, not even vellum will be used in this class. Just good old fashioned ingenuity, procedural animation, noises, curves, VOPs, and of course some VEX to make it all work together.


This class should get you to think about the mechanics of liquids, which will allow you think differently in breaking down that information into simpler ways that can be built with just geometry.


Enroll today: https://www.houdini.school/courses/hs-224-liquid-sops


Teaser: https://vimeo.com/678063221




Edited by vfxman222
Updated class url for 2023
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