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Lava Lamp Effect And Xyz Axis Out Of Wack????


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Hey guys,

I did this example for a concept one of our art directors had where these weird shapes form somewhat like a lava lamp....I think their on the verge of buying Houdini for the studio now...


Anyway..now when I open any file i get this (http://www.overloadgraphics.com/axis.jpg). My XYZ axis is completely out of wack..what the hell did I do here? I'm sure someone has ran into this before. If I start a new scene everything is fine, but as soon as i add an object or do anything the axis goes wacko. Is there a setting somewhere to re-orient this??? Thanks a bunch...


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I did this example for a concept one of our art directors had where these weird shapes form somewhat like a lava lamp....I think their on the verge of buying Houdini for the studio now...


I like it! But I can't figure out how you did it. Can you post the hip?


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