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Geometry Import TOP, how to process in batch?

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Hello, I was stumped last saturday on how to make the geometry import TOP to just process 1 work  item at a time.

Im doing some particle advection workflow, where i made multiple sourcing variation to fill the gaps so it renders smooth.

but after I finished the wedges for the fillers, I made a partition from frames then feed it to geometry Import to merge the partition contents to one geometry per frame before feeding

it to a mantra TOP, howerver, the processing  in geometry import TOP are starting 8 workitems simultaneusly, right on the bat, which means 8 frames of every wedge i got, i got 10 million particles per wedge per frame.

I would rather have it to process 1 partition at a time instead, like how geometry output TOP does when in batch mode.

 PS I already setup my scheduler to single and 1 slot per workitem. I even added the local parm single, like what mantra TOP has by default, and I'm also on houdini 18.5 at work. 

anyone can shed me some hope please.

Edited by willow wafflebeard
bad grammar
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