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How To Create Particles Each Object Center?

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I thinkng about simple explosion effect.

I made a lots of object debries from maya and I gonna to blow it away.

I know that create particle each primitive center (in POP prim center with $FF == 1)

But. This is not what I'm gonna do.

I want to create particle at frame 1 and generate each object center.

I wonder, is there any parameter or any idea?

Thanks in advance~ :)

Edited by ddingddong
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Alternative: I'd recommend using DOPs

But if it absolutely has to be particles, here's how I would approach it:

In short, I'd use copy stamping to do the bulk of the work for me, with each iteration through the (copy) loop adding 1 point to the mesh, and that 1 point would be at the center for one of the objects. Then I'd birth 1 particle from each point, and use another copy stamp loop to copy the geometry back on.

If that doesn't make any sense at all, let me know and the next time I boot into Windows (I'm in OSX) I'll work up an example file.

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1 point would be at the center for one of the objects. Then I'd birth 1 particle from each point, and use another copy stamp loop to copy the geometry back on.

As you said, at first step, I'm using DOPs and I want to add additional debries using particle.

I hope this use to be particle. :D

For you help, I did 1 point at the center of object using add SOP.

And next...

"use another copy stamp loop to copy the geometry back on."

I don't get it what this mean.

It would be great if you show me some simple example.

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Look also at this scene. I think it's what you're looking for.

You just need to put each object in a group, and with a loop, create a point at the centroid and use it to emmit particles. Then you make another loop and copy each object in a particle.


Edited by MIguel P
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yet another method...

from an earlier experiment. less elegant than stamping, but plenty of stuff in there to pick at.


Wow~ :o Great !!!

It's very impressive effect. I was check your node one by one very carefully.

But, It's quiet difficult to me and I don't understand some part.

I need some time.

Thanks for your great help. :)

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Hey MADjestic,

Hexagonized sphere = Sphere SOP (Polygons) + Divide SOP (Compute Dual)




Holly Molly! :lol:

...the terrible and mighty houdini...

P.S. You can easily suggest the pain it took the guys I work with to create a bee hive, using *cough* 'traditional' methods for hexagons... (in Maya, not me, I was there after everything was over already, hehe). =)

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Hey Miguel,

I liked the hexagonized sphere in your example. Could you shed some light on how you generated it? (I meen not the shattering, but the fact that it consists of hexagons).

Just a default divide SOP with "compute dual" turned on :)

EDIT: Oh... I didn't see Steven's message

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