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In ubuntu 22.04 - adding a permanent custom environment path variable didn't work (it doesn't return the directory when i try to use new variable $XXX in cd command)

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 I followed this tutorial: https://youtu.be/JLjF75b-vMI?t=127 to create a permanent environment path variable in ubuntu 22.04 LTS


the above tutorial basically runs the the command

xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ vim ~/.bashrc

which returns a file and to the end of which i added these two lines:

export HOU=/media/xxxx/System/___HOU
export PATH=$PATH:$HOU

then wrote and quit the file by pressing "shift :" then "wq" and then enter


...and it worked fine exactly how it was showed in the tutorial, however when i ran "cd $HOU" (it changed directory, however after i reboot, it doesn't seems to work anymore...)

xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin:/media/xxxx/System/___HOU

xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ echo $HOU /media/xxxx/System/___HOU

xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ cd $HOU bash: cd: /media/xxxx/System/___HOU: No such file or directory xxxx@XXXXXX:~$


PS: i a noob in linux and ubuntu, i would appreciate a ton for any help

Edited by demoan666
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  • demoan666 changed the title to In ubuntu 22.04 - adding a permanent custom environment path variable didn't work (it doesn't return the directory when i try to use new variable $XXX in cd command)
On 1/6/2023 at 4:54 AM, bunker said:

check this directory exist: "/media/xxxx/System/___HOU", you can just do:

cd /media/xxxx/System/___HOU

also you can double check the path is still in your bashrc:

cat ~/.bashrc | grep ___HOU

this retuens:
xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ cat ~/.bashrc | grep ___HOU
export HOU=/media/xxxx/System/___HOU (however the last ___HOU shows up in red)


and i can not cd to that path (which was working earlier once):

xxxx@XXXXXX:~$ cd /media/xxxx/System/___HOU
bash: cd: /media/xxxx/System/___HOU: No such file or directory

but if i manually go to that directory and open up a terminal by right clicking i get this:


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On 1/8/2023 at 4:39 AM, bunker said:

so the environment variable works.
Looking at the name of the directory "System" I'm guessing you're trying to access a Windows drive.
Try a Linux partition instead. I don't use Windows, maybe someone else can help :lol:

thanks a lot bunker, yes, i am trying to access my windows drive, and i would like to access that location the reason is i am trying to setup a common folder which doesn't need to be messed  irrespective of OS i am using or reinstalls or when i am working in an entirely different machine. i can still access my common asssets/ packages etc from one cloud location by feeding it the same location. I hope comeone can figure this and let me know if i am not banging my head on the wall :D 

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