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APEX Ball Rig


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Hey guys.

I'm trying to test new APEX rigging system. And as a starting point, I decided to make a ball rig. Also, I'm not a rigger at all, although I really want to learn rigging.

Here is the hip file for your judgement:)BallRig_APEX.hipnc

As i understand with autorig components i can make general setup, but for squash and stretch I had to make it manually through APEX Edit Graph node.

Frankly speaking, at first i thought APEX is a good step toward procedural rigging, but considering how many times I had to restash the inputs in APEX Edit Graph node, and remake all my squash and stretch setup, I feel a bit frustrated, although i understand APEX is still in beta. Also the thing that u need to rename some of the nodes or some input parameters is very confusing.

So what do u think of this new APEX rigging system in general?

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Frankly speaking, at first i thought APEX is a good step toward procedural rigging, but considering how many times I had to restash the inputs in APEX Edit Graph node, and remake all my squash and stretch setup


You're supposed to make your own autorig components (with APEX or python) and only manually edit APEX graphs for debugging/prototyping purpose.


So what do u think of this new APEX rigging system in general?


Horrible, at least at the current state.

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