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Found 4 results

  1. Hey guys. I'm trying to test new APEX rigging system. And as a starting point, I decided to make a ball rig. Also, I'm not a rigger at all, although I really want to learn rigging. Here is the hip file for your judgement:)BallRig_APEX.hipnc As i understand with autorig components i can make general setup, but for squash and stretch I had to make it manually through APEX Edit Graph node. Frankly speaking, at first i thought APEX is a good step toward procedural rigging, but considering how many times I had to restash the inputs in APEX Edit Graph node, and remake all my squash and stretch setup, I feel a bit frustrated, although i understand APEX is still in beta. Also the thing that u need to rename some of the nodes or some input parameters is very confusing. So what do u think of this new APEX rigging system in general?
  2. I'm trying to create an automated ball roll... I found some helpful tips online but am still struggling to get it to roll correctly. Attached is what I started... I'm wondering if there is an easier way to rig this? Maybe through a sop solver. Anyways any help is much appreciated! Thanks, AutoRoll01.hip
  3. Hey guys and girls. I have a super noob question, but I'm trying to create a golf ball in Houdini. I can get the divots working fine with a few poly extrude nodes, smooth and subdivide etc. but I'm having issues distributing them over the surface of the sphere properly. Is there a quick way to build this? Thanks!
  4. Hi all, I'm trying to model a disco ball via copy stamping some extruded grids onto a sphere (polygon mesh). It's all good until it reaches the points at the poles, at which point the copied geometry begins to overlap due to the points on the sphere being closer together. Also, how would i introduce some random rotation to the rows? at the moment it's quite uniform and if you look at an actual disco ball, there's some slight variation. Any help is much appreciated x
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