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human figure


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ok, well i've been busy sculpting away mostly. i haven't been doing much regarding the figure so i thought i should do something about it. i also am not sure what i'll be doing for the challenge, so while i figure this out i'll just get some practice.......

this is obviously the early stages, and i will show the progression of the model as i sculpt it and will have a lo and hi poly version - i hope. i really haven't done hi-poly sculpting before so we'll see how it goes.


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nice betty, nice! If anything (and this is a matter of taste) i'd model the knees a bit bent, just like you did with the arms. That will probably make boning it easier. Also, try to make the top of the knee like you did the bottom, i mean, keep it separated from the last loop of the upper leg. That will give you more room for stretching skin and detail when the knee bends.

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thanks miguel, i took care of the knee thing. i've left the legs as they are for the time being. this is just very much just an exercise in working with the human figure and trying to get simple but basic and important things correct like form of the body.

now a couple of questions.

when doing a detailed character for screen, is most of the detail, (ie; muscles, wrinkles/creases etc), one sees taken care by the texturing via bump/displacement maps or is it best to sculpt these into the geometry?

i recall a previous thread and it touched upon the option of sculpting things like muscles or simply having the muscle system under a simple model and have a RaySOP type of effect do the muscle work. i was just wondering what is the most common way of tackling the detailed character in production environments.

i am doing this model mostly from anatomy books for artists and there is a lot of muscle work which will take me a while to figure how to best sculpt, but when i think of software like ACT...i wonder what's the point?!

here is the update for the lo-poly version. i started getting a little carried away in a couple areas but then decided to drop it. i'll attempt the muscle work in the detailed version.


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Hi Betty

Thats a really good base model you've got there. It looks like you've got everything in the right place for good deformations and smoothing.

Nicely done.

It should be easy to use that as a base for pretty much any character you want.



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