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Organic triangle grid

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Hi there,


I'm researching organic deformation on geometric grids and could accomplish some interesting deformation on a quad grid as the img below. Newby stuff



However, I'm trying to find a way to create the exact deformation on a triangle grid or a remeshed grid. Would someone have an idea about how I can approach this? Any info on how to start is appreciated. Cheers

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@Rival Consoles surface deform SOP , vellum , New Linear Solver , POP to deform only P................................................

i[]@pCaptPts = pcfind(1,"P",@P,1e15,8);
float r = 1.1 *distance(point(1,"P",@pCaptPts[-1]),@P);

vector delta;
float totalweight_cpt;
matrix3 totalxform_cpt;

foreach(int cpt;@pCaptPts){
    vector oldcenter = point(1,"P",cpt);//Rest_POint_latice
    vector newcenter= point(2,"P",cpt);//deformed_point_latice
    matrix3 xform_cpt = 1;
    int n[] = neighbours(1,cpt);
    //int n[] = neighbours(2,cpt);
    matrix3 totalxform = 0;
    float totalweight = 0;
        if (len(n)>1){
        vector lastdp,lastrestdp;
        for (int i;i<len(n);i++){
        lastdp = point(1,"P",n[-1])-oldcenter;
        lastrestdp = point(2,"P",n[-1])-newcenter;
        vector dp = cross(dp,lastdp);
        vector restdp = cross(restdp,lastrestdp);
        vector up = cross(dp,lastdp);
        vector restup = cross(restdp,lastrestdp);
        float w = sqrt(length(up)*length(restup));
        matrix3 restxform = maketransform(normalize(restdp),normalize(restup));
        matrix3 xform = maketransform(normalize(dp),normalize(up));
        totalxform += w*invert(xform)*restxform;
        totalweight += w;
        lastrestdp = restdp;
        lastdp = dp;
            totalxform/= totalweight;
            totalxform = polardecomp(totalxform);
            xform_cpt = totalxform;
float dist = distance(oldcenter,@P);
float weight = pow(1-pow(dist/r,2),2);
vector diff = point(2,"P",cpt)-oldcenter;

vector newp = @P;
newp -= oldcenter;
newp *= xform_cpt;
newp += oldcenter;

newp += diff;
delta += weight*(newp-@P);
totalweight_cpt += weight;
totalxform_cpt += xform_cpt*weight;

delta /= totalweight_cpt;

@P += delta;



Edited by Librarian
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