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How to set up Mixamo cycle animation to be agent for crowd and ragdoll sim?


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Hi, I am trying to use MIXAMO's FBXs for crowd&ragdoll sim. Ideally I want to straightly use that FBX's charactor's mesh, skeleton, and animation,  However, MIXAMO's skeleton cannot be used for ragdoll sim because joints' structure won't be adapted, and need to modify espeially hip joints'area, and constraints , too,

Next idea is to use Houdini's agent's skeleton and transfer/remap MIXAMO's mesh and cycle animation. This is because the agent's skeleton is promising to be used for the both of crowd and ragdoll systems. I bebelive we just need to use Kinefx properly in order to set a FBX charactor&animation as an agent. However, the both methods have not worked yet correctly.

I appriciate if you could demonstrate how to set up MIXAMO's FBXs to be sim ready for crowd and ragdoll sims. 

Thank you so much for your assitance!




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