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Help! How To Import A Custom Prman Shader(*.slo)

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My problem is coming...

I can convert my .slo shader to .ds or .otl.

How can I use them with Houdini?

Sorry, I'm a beginner...

Everyone always talk about otl or ds, but I really can't find the way to import .ds or otl.


Edited by sisqosnew
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1. make otl (forget about *.ds) using -l flag in rmands

2. In Houdini session: Go to Menu File ->Install Operator Type Library. Choose the one. Accept.

3. Done.

To inspect what you actually has just imported go to:

menu Windows -> Operator Type Manager and navigate to installed library. This way you see its content before creating any nodes.

If everything goes fine, you can create new nodes in proper context. (OTL can store any operator type not only shaders). In your case, context is SHOPS of course. But you can always see it in Manager.



PS The reason why people always talk about OTL is that this is one of the main and most powerful (and unique) feature of Houdini. If you're beginner I strongly recommend you to go through digital assets chapter in Houdini help. You will quite often meet HDA around and hopefully create your own.

Edited by SYmek
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1. make otl (forget about *.ds) using -l flag in rmands

2. In Houdini session: Go to Menu File ->Install Operator Type Library. Choose the one. Accept.

3. Done.

To inspect what you actually has just imported go to:

menu Windows -> Operator Type Manager and navigate to installed library. This way you see its content before creating any nodes.

If everything goes fine, you can create new nodes in proper context. (OTL can store any operator type not only shaders). In your case, context is SHOPS of course. But you can always see it in Manager.



PS The reason why people always talk about OTL is that this is one of the main and most powerful (and unique) feature of Houdini. If you're beginner I strongly recommend you to go through digital assets chapter in Houdini help. You will quite often meet HDA around and hopefully create your own.

Thank you, SYmek.

You taught me a lot a lot a lot..

and I worked prman custom shaders in Houdini very well.(Happy!!)

I'm going to read that chapter you mentioned.

Cheers- :)

Edited by sisqosnew
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