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importing geo sequence into Max


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I can't seem to find the script - it's the one on Highend right? - if you read the script it might say something in the header about where things need to be...or within thescript itself there may be an indication of where it send/looks for files...


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I'm assuming you're talking about the Maya2Max1.1 script on Highend...

from the max script

button btnSourceDir "Where are the .OBJ files"
    on btnSourceDir pressed do 
        local dir = getSavePath caption:"Select which directory \
            holds the .OBJ files:"
  print dir
        if dir == undefined do return false
  stringdir = (replaceChar (dir as string) "\" "\")
        files = getFiles ( stringdir + "\*.OBJ" )

this says to me that a UI should pop up asking you where your obj's are...the usual file browser thingy....

that should work...although the script is kinda old...

to import a series of OBJs into Maya you can try:

FileInterp Plugin v1.0

I've never used it so I don't know if it will work....and it is VERY old...1999...lol


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do you mean 'poser'? and max...

if you want to bring geometry into Houdini from poser or max, the best way is to export it as an obj file, then in Houdini go onto SOPs and use the 'file' OP...then just change the path from the default to your obj file...(note that Houdini doesn't like spaces in the path name "C:\foo\bar " is good..."C:\Foo Bar\" is bad )

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for some strange reson it doesn't lime .obj but is does like .DXF

so the other question has anyone got any knowledge of how i can import the textue map as well it can exprt .VTX so is there a way to impor this or is there another way to do it.

cheers artor i like the things you been doing witht he l-system and you project you posted it look sweet. hows swamp thing coming a long.

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i finally figured it out the problem was poser saved it as a .OBJ so i renamed it .obj and it work i also go it to save the person in groups so that when you lay down a shop you can call tha groups from there.

so the project is coming on nicely so i will have to post of pics cheers anyway bren

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I just imported some OBJs on the weekend and it works just fine...one thing that many people have had trouble with is the file path, make sure there are no spaces in the path...

I exported the objs from Maya to e:\swampThing\obj

then just used a file SOP to bring them in...

I'd test it out with just a few simple shapes exported from max - sphere, cube etc...if you are exporting from Poser try exporting just one piece of geometry - an arm or something...I can't remember what the options are in Poser for obj export so you might have to play around a bit...

the Swamp Thing is coming along... :)

on the weekend I started building some bone templates and working out what kinds of different l-systems I'll need - bone, nerves, muscle, organs, a brain (this will be cool if I can do it), then skin and veins...and on top of all that - leaves and fruit...

I'm starting to get over the brick walls you always face when just learning a new app, and l-systems - which are a whole can of worms of their own.

what are you working on?

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i'm working creating a historical recreate of the battle of waterloo.

the only thing is i have to make the whole thing generic as it will eventually have a java fromt end so that you can used the houdini file to create any battle scane?!?!?

it's coming on nicely the landscape is nearly done the whole scene is generaed from .tiff file. so for example in photo shop you just draw a black and whie image of where tou want the roads to go and import this. then houdini crreates the road on the turrain and makes ditches and hedges that run along the road. it's take so much time but now that i understand attributes and how the are used it's getting easyer.

a little questions can you store the texture maps in .obj files.

cheers bren.

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