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Alpha Test Of New Houdini Tutorials


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I like this format a lot actually. If this was a more in-depth tutorial that I was playing along with in Houdini then I would find the pauses helpful so I could try stuff out without constantly losing my place and having to rewind. Replacing audio with text 'soundbites' is useful if you want to scrub through an old video to search for a snippet of information. It's much easier to find something that's written than spoken. The jump to section stuff is useful for this too. Even better would be an option to allow the user to save the text to make it even easier to search through.

Thanks for sharing Peter.


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Hey all

I thought that was a really effective tutorial format. The benefit of text since it moves at your own pace, and the benefit of video tutes so you can see it being done. Plus, I quite like the fact that it's silent, as then I can play my own music when doing long tutes...but I certainly wouldn't be averse to audio explanations (or the option to turn them on or off). I never suffered whack-a-mole issues as I just kept pressing the lower-left play button to advance. Can't wait to see how well this works when doing complex networks or expressions. Who needs DVDs?

I don't particularly like the icons and such, heh. Why not use Houdini style icons? Lift them straight out of Houdini or Mplay. Also, the flash movie scales with the window, but there doesn't seem to be a way to set it back to 100% scale for clean lines and fonts. Makes it a little hard to read the text.

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